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Creating building blocks for the future, promoting good health, development & bonding

Baby Development

It is never to early to interact with your baby, whether it be by massage, movements or by play.

Every touch, move, smile and sound helps create new pathways in their brain to help them learn and develop.

My twin girls having a sleep

​Welcome to Baby Classes Teesside!!


  • Infant Massage

  • Baby Yoga

  • Sensory Play

  • Dads' Classes

About my classes:

Baby Massage

Suitable from birth to one year old.

Baby massage is a long-standing parenting tradition in many cultures, with numerous

benefits for both baby and parent. Parents who have attended my course tell me that

some of the many benefits include:

- Strengthening the bond with your baby 

- Relaxation for both parent and baby 

- Relief from wind, colic and constipation

A lovely bit of tummy time whilst doing a back massage

Baby Yoga

Suitable from 12 weeks.

Baby yoga helps to attune to your baby’s needs and to calm or stimulate them as appropriate with a sense of security and well-being. It is beneficial for all babies- you don’t need to practise yoga or even know anything about yoga to get started with your 


Mummy excercise whist including your baby

Sensory Play


The early years, especially the first three years of life, are very important for building the baby's brain. Everything she or he sees, touches, tastes, smells or hears helps to shape the brain for thinking, feeling, moving and learning.

We will be exploring things which can be added to treasure baskets at home and also making things to take away.

My little boy helping me set up for senory play

Dads' Classes

Dads often find they miss out on having a little one to one time.  Every couple of months I run a 90 minute dads' class on a Saturday morning which incorporates a basic massage, gentle movements to fun songs and parachute play.

one to one time for dad and daughter


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